Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dungeon Crawling for the Moral of the Story

Experience gained!

but you're over-confident...
The world is a broken mouth,
forever mending its jagged teeth, stuffing the gaps in its gums
with lifeless bodies of the overzealous

You're just a level 14 necromancer
with a few rare, imbued items.
Exhumed bones held together by rotting muscles and magic can't slay a dragon.
You can't slay a fucking dragon.
No, not yet.

Level up, son.
There are beasts in the wild
with little HP.
They're the key.
Spend your hours grinding
Spend your xp on that skill tree
The deeper your roots
The quicker the kill.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Zombies as a function of time

(Click above for larger version please)

the first group of people to become affected (infected?) will not be able to subdue a large portion of the population. they will be isolated incidents in pockets all over. These will be people with weak immune systems (elderly, young, already sick, Autoimmune disorders etc.)

A majority of attacks will occur in places such as hospitals, mental institutions, schools, and precincts. as with any infection, the Uninfected will outnumber the infected.

take one infected person attacking a Subway car full of people. most people will run, a few will contract bites...

A couple of good samaritans will subdue this individual (they will also get bit), EMT's will arrive, treat the attacked victims, cart away the infected individual.

Good Samaritans / bite victims will go home to their families and / or jobs. Then perhaps later on biting / attacking coworkers and family members

Infected individual manages to attack more people at the hospital, hospital workers will treat themselves and continue to work due to the sudden influx of bite victims.

early stages of the virus will prove less virulent, as with any early stage disease, it will take time to evolve into a more effective form. so infection onset will take longer to develop.

by the time people catch on, it will already be too late for a large portion of the population.

bite victims will be sick at home being cared for by loved ones, hospitals will begin to be overrun, police will try to quell these situations. precincts will begin to be overrun, and will likely be abandoned by police. civilians trying to acquire a fort or weapons will go to precincts and also be overrun.

if secondary exposure will lead to newly dead being reanimated, then you have the issue of people getting killed in the ensuing riots coming back.

people will be dying from rioting, vigalantism, police / armed forces trying to control riots, and lets not forget the large number of heart attacks. Similar to the increase in heart attacks when you're required to set your clock forward an hour, people will be having heart attacks from stress and worry of the newly formed chaos.

by the time the virus hits the point of "Bite = >2 hours to turn" a very large percentage of the population will have received primary and secondary exposure.

Hoardes will begin to form, and will outnumber the uninfected. at this point zombie population growth will begin to taper off. the uninfected will have wised up.

New cases of infeced will be the result of people dying from injuries, health problems, uninfected killing each other for supplies / shelter.

eventually everything will be nuked, then the zombie infestation will cease, or super zombies will emerge.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Little Nemo The 8-Bit Thrash Punk Warrior

Another one from Nick. Thanks, Nick!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

What is The Crucio Curse? Why Should I Care?

Our name was derived from the pages of Harry Potter, because we are nerds. See below:

Crucio (Cruciatus Curse)
Pronunciation: KROO-see-oh/KROO-shee-OH (IPA: /ˈkɹəʊ/)
Description: Inflicts unbearable pain on the recipient of the curse. The effects of the curse depend upon the desires and emotions of the character - to produce the "excruciating" pain implied by the name, one must desire to cause pain purely for its own sake or for fulfillment. The extreme pain inflicted by the curse when cast so - without any apparent evidence of physical harm - makes it uniquely suited as a form of torture. This pain has included the sensations of flaming bones and a head that was split open by crude methods without sedation.

Suggested Etymology: Crucio (Latin) means "I torture", originating from crux (genitive crucis), which means "torture platform or stake"

NERD RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Crucio Fantasy IV

We have a fan, he's never heard our music...mainly because it doesnt exist. But he was more than happy to make us this sweet image

Thanks Nick!

The Crucio Curse >= Awesome

Click to enlarge!


The Crucio Curse - Nintendo-photoshop-a-thon

more to come...
